

On October 8, 2019, the 6th International scientific-practical conference on the theme “Healthcare technologies assessment: place of innovations in the national healthcare system. Personalized medicine” will be held in the “Andreevsky” hall of the Renaissance Moscow Monarch Center hotel by the following address: Moscow, Leningradsky prospect, 31 A, bld. 1.

The implementation of the innovative medical technologies and pharmaceutical products will change the approaches to the diseases control and their treatment, the significant improvement of the outcomes and quality of life, and, at the same time, it essentially influences on charges in the healthcare system. The evaluation of medical technologies is inextricably linked with the innovative development of the industry. It allows developing some criteria for assessment of innovative projects in the pharmaceutical and medical industries. 

In the Russian Federation, the state plays the very important role in the innovative process development. There were adopted and implemented several programs, in particular, the strategy of pharmaceutical industry development for the period up to 2020 that promote the transition to the new innovative model of pharmaceutical industry development. The main aim of these state programs is to inspire the development and production of the innovative pharmaceutical products in the Russian Federation, at same time, it implies that the part of the research on development is carried out at the expense of budget funds. The limitations of budget funds just warrant the need for the detailed examination of the innovative projects. In case of medical technologies, complementary to the compulsory exploring of the effectiveness and safety, it is necessary to assess the possible social and economic consequences. Evaluation of the social and economic consequences using the clinical and economic analysis on the early stages of the medical technologies development will allow renouncing the economically disadvantageous projects in time. It will help to improve the efficiency of budget spending. Moreover, according to the law of the Russian Federation, all the pharmaceutical products must undergo the comprehensive evaluation procedure in order to be included in the lists and programs of the state funding.

In frames of the further improving of patients’ accessibility to the truly innovative medicines, it is necessary to upgrade this procedure continuously. It consists in the formulation of the innovative medicines definition, creation of evaluation criteria for the medicines innovativeness (in the perspective it will be medical devices and other medical technologies), the implementation of the possibility to adopt decisions on the state compensation of the medicines use, based on their innovativeness level and introduction of this mechanism into the procedure of comprehensive assessment of the pharmaceutical products. 

This annual conference is dedicated to exploration of the approaches to the improvement of state expenditures efficiency for the innovative medical technologies, including pharmaceutical products. 


  • Heads of the relevant departments, committees and branches of the Federal Legislative and Executive Authorities of the Russian Federation;

  • Representatives of the Federal and Territorial Funds of the Compulsory Medical Insurance service (CMI);

  • Representatives of the scientific expert community, staff members of the High education institutions of the Russian Federation;

  • Representatives of the “Skolkovo” fund;

  • Representatives of the industry, insurance and venture companies;

  • Representatives of the foreign organization on Healthcare Technologies Assessment and leading international experts in the Healthcare Technologies Assessment sphere.

Issue under discussion: 

  • Innovative development of the healthcare. The role of the innovative pharmaceutical products in improvement of patients’ quality of life. 

  • Modern perspectives of creation of the innovative medical technologies in the Russian Federation. 

  • Introduction of the cell technologies in the Russian Federation: problems and perspectives. 

  • Issues of financial support of the innovative medical technologies. Possible ways to introduce the companion diagnostics into the state funding system. 

  • Healthcare Technologies Assessment for diagnostic tests.

  • The Risk-Sharing Agreement (RSA) as one of the possible funding models for the innovative medical technologies. 

  • Use of the multiple criteria analysis (MCDA) for evaluation of medical technologies innovativeness.


Organizer’s contact information:

Phone number: +7 (962) 980-19-98

Email:  press-expert@mail.ru

Web-site: www.conf-hta.ru

Source: Pharmvestnik